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 Gedney Hill Church of England and Shepeau Stow Primary Schools Federation

Gedney Hill Church of England and Shepeau Stow Primary Schools Federation

Our Governors

Governing Body meetings are held each term, with separate sub-committee meetings for curriculum and finance.

Chair of Governors and Co-opted: - Mrs J Barmby  Curriculum & Standards  Safeguarding

Co-Vice-chair LA - Mr I Stancer_ Finance_Health  & Safety

Co-Vice-chair Parent: - Mr A Wells_Finance   Health & Safety  

Ex-Officio Foundation:  - Mrs Bareham-Sivers   Curriculum_ Food Standards

Foundation:  - Neil Watson_Finance

Staff:  - Jenny Beale _Curriculum

Parent:  - Mrs D Clarke   Curriculum   Safeguarding

Co-opted: -  Michelle Cooke  SEND

Headteacher: - Mrs A Buddle